The Day it Snowed in Rome

It's finally June, and despite the 4 minutes of heavy rain earlier this afternoon, it feels as if spring is here at last. It may have taken longer than usual to arrive here in Rome this year, but now that it is well and truly here, it makes it all that much more enjoyable. And it is delicious to have a truly pleasant spring, instead of jumping straight into scorching summer as we usually do here.

In spite of the season, today I have decided to share some photos I took this past February, when it snowed (in Rome!!). It was an extremely rare storm, the likes of which hadn't been seen in the eternal city for nearly a quarter of a century. I had always promised myself that if it ever snowed in Rome I would head straight to the Pantheon to see the snow come down through the occulus. And that is precisely what I did. Here are a few of my favorite photos from that day, February 12th 2010.

All photos © Tiffany Parks